Logical Data Flow Diagram 逻辑数据流图 ; 逻 ; 数据流图描述数据流动
Physical Data Flow Diagram 物理数据流图 ; 流程图
DFD Data Flow Diagram 数据流图 ; 数据流程图
Object Data Flow Diagram 对象数据流图
Context data flow diagram 下文数据流图
Including Data Flow Diagram 包括数据流图
new phsical data flow diagram 新物理数据流图
new logical data flow diagram 新逻辑数据流图
data flow diagram [计] 数据流程图 ; 资料流
It carries on detailed analysis and design of the module of resource management’s each fuction, provides the data flow diagram of the module and the key tables of database.
参考来源 - 网络共享资源管理技术的研究与实现The demand analysis of software is made and the demands of its function, data structure, running and perfonnance are given, including the software logic modal in data flow diagram.
对集抄器软件进 行了需求分析,给出了软件的功能、数据、运行及性能要求,以数据流图的形式给出了 软件的逻辑模型。
参考来源 - HFC网络电表集抄系统一集抄器部分Firstly, based on the developed principle and method of MIS and computer network technique, by the means of the structural system analysis, the paper analyses the system thoroughly, draws the detailed data flow diagram and organizes the data dictionary.
参考来源 - IC卡式水表水费收缴管理信息系统的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
For traditional modeling techniques, such as entity relationship diagram or data flow diagram, no specific test techniques are available to date.
Adds a seizable entity to your data flow diagram.
The paper presents a method and implementation of a case-based module division to software data flow diagram.